Getting your neighbours onside

Our easy guide to keeping the PEACE when under-going home renovations

How to keep the neighbours happy while doing home improvements

Our easy guide to keeping the PEACE when under-going home renovations

Having new windows, doors or a conservatory installed is exciting – but your neighbours may be less than thrilled at the thought of any noise, dirt or disruption resulting from your home improvements. In reality, of course, the above projects are likely to cause little inconvenience to anyone – even you – but better to be safe than sorry, so here’s your five-point plan for keeping the P-E-A-C-E.  

Prior warning

Those living next door to you should be told well in advance of the planned work. Just have a casual chat and explain exactly what you’re having done (they’ll be itching to find out anyway) and give them an idea of the expected time frame for completion – it’s only polite. And letting them know what time the installers are due to start and finish will make them feel like they’re being kept in the picture. If you’re not going to be there on any days, reassure them by giving them your contact mobile number.

Excuse the noise

However big or small the project, it’s hard to avoid a certain amount of noise, so apologise to your closest neighbours in advance for any inconvenience caused by banging, drilling or just the chatter of workmen. One particular sound that can grate with others is a radio blaring, but your installer will be more than happy to keep it within the constraints of your own four walls if need be, so just let him or her know.

Arrange parking

Before the first day of work, ask your installer how many vehicles to expect and either clear a space on your drive or reserve a street parking spot by placing a couple of cones (or wheelie bins) there the night before. Try to avoid having workmen’s vehicles parked outside neighbours’ homes, or even worse, blocking driveways. At the very least, apologise if it’s unavoidable and be sure not to hog a nearby resident’s favourite parking space.


Independent Network installers will always tidy up after themselves, as well as respecting your home and possessions. Nevertheless, at the end of each day, double check and clean up any mess that might have spilled over onto next door’s property, including any dust or packaging that might have blown across.

End with a bang

Well, more of a ‘pop’ actually. When the job’s done and the workmen have gone, invite your neighbours round and break open the bubbly. There’s a lot to celebrate when you’ve just given your home a new lease of life so share the love (and the booze) with those around you. Most neighbours appreciate the fact that having new windows and doors not only improves the appearance of not only your house but the street in general. And hopefully they’ll be impressed by your gesture of goodwill – not to mention your new VEKA windows, doors or conservatory...